1st Ingleby Barwick Scout Group
1st Ingleby Barwick Scout Group have a Beavers, Cubs and Scouts section supporting a wide age range of youngsters from 6 – 14 in the local community. The groups meet each week during term time and take part in a variety of activities both at the Church Hall and offsite.
At the Church Hall the activities range from making delicious cupcakes to litter picking and plenty of team games both inside and outside (building things is a particular favourite)! Offsite activities undertaken recently have included water sports locally at Yarm and a two night camp with other youngsters from different groups across the district, where they enjoyed climbing, exploring the woods, mini diggers, camp fires and many other exciting activities.
In addition to the activity program, the group has also volunteered at several events to support the Community Public Access Defibrillators (CAPD) fundraising campaign which aims to ensure all Ingleby Barwick residents are within 500 meters access of an external 24/7 community defibrillator.
The grant would be used to purchase equipment for the groups that can be used for a variety of team activities and also building new shelves / storage for all the equipment.