Baby Equipment Loan Service and Toy Library
North Tyneside
The Baby Equipment Loan Service and Toy Library (BELS & TL) is a local charity which provides essential items of baby and safety equipment to parents and carers in North Tyneside. Both long and short term hire is available to anyone on benefits or low income. The Toy Library is available to all children (0-15 years) residing in NT. The Project is open set hours each week as well as offering outreach and stay and play sessions to groups in remote areas of the borough.
By providing a loan and library service, we encourage people to reuse and recycle equipment and toys. Recycling reduces landfill and helps educate children to the benefits of reducing their carbon footprint
The funding request is to cover the cost involved in running our stay and play (S&P) sessions. We will need to pay for room hire and the cost of the healthy snacks (milk/water, selection of seasonal fruit and vegetables, breadsticks) that we provide. Due to relocating BELS & TL to larger premises more suitable for the Project, we would like to hire a hall or a community room to hold our S&P sessions on a weekly basis all year round. The S&P would be open to anyone living in North Tyneside with children from new born up to 4 years old. We work with Family Partners in Early Years and Prevention to support troubled families who are encouraged to attend this group also.