Benton Park Primary School Award Icon Winner


Here at Benton Park Primary School we are always trying new ways to excite the children about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. In February we held STEAM week in school. The week focused on solving engineering and architectural problems using the books Iggy Peck Architect and Rosie Revere Engineer as a stimulus. The children had a fantastic time building bridges and flying devices throughout the week. There were so many ‘wow’ moments as the children saw their devices fly for the first time or their bridge hold significant weight without collapsing.

The following week we were lucky enough to receive a visit from experts from the Centre for Life with their inflatable planetarium. It was pure joy to see the children experience the wonders of the universe from their school hall.

Both of these events only took place because of much needed and appreciated grants from outside organisations. If we are to continue giving the children such valuable and educational experiences we need to be constantly engaging with organisations such as Venator and their incredibly important grant schemes.

We would truly appreciate it if you would consider giving Benton Park Primary School your vote.


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