Climate Action Northeast
‘Green Heart Award’
Carbon Keepers – teaching children about carbon footprinting, CO2 emissions and how to protect planet earth and keep carbon under control through local projects – links back to minimising carbon footprints is part of our Green Heart award. We would like to link this to industry experts who are working on Carbon capture and storage as well as other initiatives to reduce Carbon. At present aimed at school children but with support we would like to roll this out to businesses and the community.
It will also work alongside another project we are working on; ‘Scientists and Engineers Needed’ which is a project to promote STEM careers to school children, working in partnership with Engineers Together on Teesside. We want to demonstrate areas where scientists and engineers are working on issues relating to Climate change, such as Civil Engineering tackling the challenges around flooding, the chemical industry working on recycling plastic and energy from Biomass, environmental scientists and soil erosion.
The funding would support the expenses incurred in the development of resources and materials to hand out to those taking part.