Corbridge Church of England First School
“The best classroom and the richest cupboard are roofed only by the sky.” Margaret McMillan 1914
At Corbridge CE First School we recognise outdoor learning, being in the fresh air and having space can have such a real positive impact on children’s well being and development. In today’s world, children’s mental health, protecting the environment and climate change has never been more prominent and the children at Corbridge CE First School continue to strive to make a difference.
If successful in achieving a grant from the Bright Ideas Fund we will use it to support our next project which is to design and make a rain water recycling system in our allotment.
We need to buy materials (guttering / pipes / water butt), and the children are excited to research, design and construct a system. The children will research water collection, pumps and pulleys and review established successful systems before finalising their own design.
At CFS we strive to make children see how they can solve problems, evaluate best solutions, reflect on what they have learnt and use all their growing knowledge to be innovative and solution focussed.
If lucky enough to win the £1000 we would be using this to develop an understanding of solar power with our children and how we can use it to support growth in our allotment.
Our fabulous Mrs Orrick and Mr. Gardner are looking forward to getting our projects underway!
“Kids should learn to engineer before they can spell it.” Christine Cunningham