Eldon Grove Academy
Even though we are a coastal town, lots of our children have never experienced the Teesmouth area and think of a beach as somewhere to build sandcastles! We try to provide experiences that our children need in order to understand their place in the world. Our Y2 children visit the Teesmouth Field centre annually to enhance their work on ‘what we need to survive’ (science topic). They can explore the beach, rocks and sands dunes and the plants and animals that live there. This links well to class work based on food chains. The visit allows children to get outside of the classroom and see living things in their natural habitat. Back in the classroom children produce art work linked the area. The visit also includes highlighting the impact of humans on their environment by looking at the impact of litter including plastic on the short tide line. This links well to class work during Philosophy for children sessions in which children debate the impact of humans in both positive and negative ways.
It also enhances our ongoing work around Ecoschool where children are encouraged to be involved in protecting and improving their environment.