Engineering Together (CIHT)
Please see details below of the Engineering Together application and further details on the attached document:
Scope – Engineering Together and their associated affiliates are planning a series of online home schooling activities which are easy to do, fun exercises for children at home to keep them busy with materials most people in the house would have. Engineering Together will ask for one of their volunteer Engineers to do this at home and record for YouTube. People will be asked to send in photos / drawings / videos etc doing the engineering task and it would be really great if we could have funding for prizes for these submissions.
Advantages – As well as providing educational content it will promote engineering. Most importantly during this difficult time this will ensure people are kept busy.
Judging – Any content which shows excellence / skill for the task shall be awarded.
Legacy – All good entries will be compiled into a format to upload onto the Engineering Together website (new area being developed) with link to Engineering Together YouTube channel (to be set up).
Collaboration – This would be under Engineering Together banner with credit given to funders, participants and organisers.
Funding – £250 would be spent thus
- 100 x prizes @ £1.94
- 86 x second class postage @ £0.65
- Please note we would self fund the additional stamps and envelopes.