Fairfield Primary School
At Fairfield Primary School we are very fortunate in that we have large school grounds. Our after school club, Eco Heroes, are developing some of the grounds into an outside classroom to encourage our pupils to engage with nature and foster a love for outdoor learning. They want a safe place to include all children, across all age groups, in our school community. They consulted local schools to see what they had done. The unanimous decision was that we needed a pond and a wildlife meadow. This is something they felt would be a great benefit across the school. Through a lot of hard work, manning stalls at Christmas and summer fairs, the children raised enough money to buy a preformed wildlife pond. This was installed at the end of the summer term, with the help of a local gardener, and the children helped to sow a meadow using the spoil from the pond. As the children wanted the area to be used all year round, an all weather path has been built from the school to the pond. To include the local community, we have had support from the Woodland Trust Community Trees Project and the children have planted a small hedge. This will be extended in November when we will take delivery of another 30 trees.
We are applying for this grant of £250 to buy plants that are insect friendly, such as Buddleja, Lavender and spring bulbs.