If U Care Share Foundation Award Icon Runner Up


We would like to apply for £1000 to provide support boxes to children who have lost loved ones to suicide or who are at risk of taking their own life.

Many of the children we work with have major confidence and trust issues, finding it hard to communicate with those around them including friends and relatives.

We have developed support boxes which include various activities for young people which helps them to develop their confidence and speak about their feelings. The boxes include things such as bubbles to control breathing, sensory and colouring activities, a diary to write feelings as well as other activities which help young people to reintegrate.

Each box is tailored to the individuals needs but the cost of each box is on average £50. £1000 would provide 20 young people with the additional support that they need and ensure that they have the appropriate support needed to get them through a serious loss or traumatic experience.

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