JFK Primary School Award Icon Winner


We are JFK Primary school, a two-form entry school and nursery situated in the heart of Washington, Sunderland. Our aim is to ensure that all children reach their full potential by providing a broad, stimulating and engaging curriculum. The staff of JFK are determined to improve outcomes for all children in our care, including pupils from vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds. Presently, our particular focus is concerned with raising aspirations and attainment in STEM subjects. Hopefully, this will inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers.

One way in which we aim to achieve our goal is by providing high-quality experiences for our students. Technology Tom, an independent provider, has an excellent reputation for delivering STEM educational programmes and the outreach workshops he offers would be ideal for our pupils. If successful, we would greatly appreciate using the grant to fund a forces workshop for our upper KS2 students. This will allow children to explore a variety of mechanisms with the end goal of building the ultimate rocket and Roman ballista!

These activities use structured scientific investigations and will help our students build their knowledge and understanding of mechanisms. Their grasp of forces would be strengthened as would their ability to carry out a scientific enquiry. Creativity, problem-solving and teamwork skills would also be developed. Our students would undoubtedly be motivated to develop their understanding further.

Thank you for your time.

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