Kingston Park Primary School
At Kingston Park, we believe in the whole child. We are a fully inclusive school with a curriculum that is creative and purposeful to the world we live in. Our motto, ‘Together We’re Better’ pervades all that we do in enabling our children to be happy, successful adults of the future.
We would really love to begin a Forest School located on the school grounds. We envisage this would:
· develop the curiosity of the children through creative & real life learning experiences;
· widen knowledge of the world we live in, equipping children for the future;
· involve the community where local people and experts can be brought in to work alongside the children;
· help the children develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually;
· create a safe, nurturing environment to take risks;
· inspire a deep and meaningful connection to the world and how they as people fit within it, and;
· leave children wanting to learn more and to be motivated by the adventure of learning.
To do this effectively, at all times of the year and in all weathers, we are requesting funding towards the cost of the purchase/building of an outdoor classroom/covered area. We envisage this would include a seated log area, giant storytelling chair and covered space for a campfire and sing-a-longs. Forest School would provide ample opportunities for all of our children, including those with complex medical and physical difficulties, to experience fun, inspirational learning opportunities (Year 4 tree sprite pictures attached).