Newcomen Primary School Award Icon Winner

Redcar & Cleveland


I am writing as a proud member of Newcomen Primary School; a family school with 396 phenomenal children who are at the heart of everything we do.  Despite 37% of our pupils living in the most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods nationally and a further 21% living in decile 2 and 3, we work together as one to ensure that Newcomen children, our most precious asset, grow into respectful and tolerant members of society and fully achieve their potential.


Our Bid

If we are successful in our bid, we would love to enhance our Science, Geography, Computing and Mathematics curricula by purchasing a digital weather station.  This would project valuable data (such as temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind speed) directly into our classrooms and onto our school website. In addition to 396 of our children cross-curricular opportunities to read and interpret data first hand, it would also inspire our children’s inquisitive minds to further explore the issues around climate change – vital learning that we prioritise in our “One World Our World” project.  

Wider Benefits 

In addition to the learning in our classrooms, purchasing this equipment would enable us to forge joint projects with primary and secondary schools nationally and even internationally. Your money would mean that data from a range of schools collected and compared by children around the world, relationships between schools established and the next generation of young minds well-informed about changes to our climate.  


Davis Weatherlink Datalogger £169

Vantage Pro 2 £649

= £818

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