Northwood Primary School Award Icon Runner Up


Northwood Primary has a large and varied range of pupils; over half of our children come from underprivileged backgrounds and we have a large population of asylum seekers and looked after children as well who do not always get many opportunities outside of school. We subsidise as much as we are able to ensure that all children get a well-rounded education and believe that this fund would really help to develop the facilities and activities we are able to offer to our students. A popular trip that we run takes the children out to the Teesport Transporter Bridge and this links well into the engineering element as they all enjoy the trip out and are excited to learn about the work that went into the bridge. The local economy in our area means that several of our children have grandparents who have worked in the steel industry and this is a valuable trip for them, however cost can be a barrier for some.


Our next science project is making planets and learning about the solar system. This would be enhanced by the funding enabling us to build

bigger and perhaps lasting displays to keep around the school. Usually we just make small scale models but by receiving the funding and making larger models we would be encouraging our children to be involved in a legacy project, building their esteem and confidence as well as generating a great community feel with some of our harder to reach and more vulnerable children.

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