Oakfield Infant School Award Icon Winner


We would like to apply for funding to support gardening activities. We have an active club where children have the opportunity to learn skills with links to the National Curriculum for science.

We currently have a small gardening area at school which we would like to expand. If successful, we would use the funds to acquire gardening equipment and resources such as seeds, compost, tools and resources to create further planting areas. We also have a social enterprise scheme where we are able to sell crops that we have harvested to the school community, thus creating a sustainable concern. Our garden provides a calm area for targeted children with social, emotional and behavioural needs.

This project also has links to many more areas of the curriculum including:

Literacy – writing non-fiction texts about the stages of plant growth.

Numeracy – using equipment to weigh and record harvests and helping with plant sales developing skills with money handling.

Art and Design – making observational drawings of plants and designing areas for planting

PSHE – Encouraging teamwork and responsibility in a social enterprise.

We have also recently established a new outdoor activity area. This “Loose Parts” project in our school grounds will allow children to play freely with each other whilst investigating, exploring, discovering and creating, using their imagination to play with a wide range a range of materials including gardening and planting. This and the gardening project will also promote emotional wellbeing and mental health.

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