Odd Socks North East C.I.C Award Icon Runner Up

South Tyneside

Odd Socks Foundation are a North East C.I.C set up to emotionally and socially support people effected by disabilities.

We hold weekly Martial Arts sessions locally for children between the ages of 5 and 16, whereby they can come and learn at a pace that is suitable for them. The children that currently attend our sessions feel that they can be themselves and feel included. They have formed friendships that they may not have at mainstream sessions.

We are looking for funds to purchase new equipment (gloves, pads, feet pads, fitness equipment) and also contributions towards gradings because the financial costs to parents are unrealistic. This is from information gathered from a community insight profile which hows that 46.1% of households in South Tyneisde live in homes with multiple deprivation with 23.3% of children living in out of work households, 36.6% of children live in lone parent properties and 26.4% of children living in poverty. The success of our initail work lead us to contact enterprise agency North East Business & Innovation centre to halp is register the C.I.C and to learn more about how to define our social objectives and how to measure their impact and to get there support to be more commercial in our approach to make us more sustainable and less grant dependant.

This application will help us expand our sessions and help us work with more people who are vunerable and social isolated.

This will help us to reach our aims and objectives.

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