Shincliffe CE Primary School
It is a well-known fact that being outdoors not only benefits our health physically, it is also great for maintaining our mental health and wellbeing, which is essential now more than ever in light of recent years.
At Shincliffe CE Primary School, we would love for our children to experience these benefits by expanding our use of gardening. This will encourage them to develop a passion and a further understanding for nature, whilst additionally teach them invaluable social and emotional skills through the freedom of natural therapy. Finally, gardening is a satisfying and enjoyable project which all age groups may partake in alongside being a year-round activity. It is also hoped that it will increase parental and community engagement as they will help to maintain, grow and sell the produce. We run an ECO club at school and the project will also support their work of sustainability in the environment.
To be successful, a donation from Venator would help to equip ourselves with a polytunnel and the necessary tools, seeds, plants and soil to fill our neglected planters
We look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks.