The People’s Angels Community Interest Company
South Tyneside

The People’s Angels Community Interest Company was founded on 25th October 2017 by Lynn Davis, now the CIC’s Director.
A small team of volunteers collect donations and fundraise to support local people and causes in South Tyneside. This could be anything from working with a needy family directly, or via social services, local childrens’ centres, young persons’ pathways, domestic violence charities and the elderly who have no family support network.
We have a Facebook selling site and also attend local charity events, in order to fundraise. The ‘epicentre’ for our operation is what we fondly call ‘the cove’, which is a shop run from the CIC Director’s garage at her home address.
The grant from the Venator Together Fund would be a fantastic financial contribution towards our ultimate aim to open a shop locally. This would enable us to target a wider / more diverse audience within our community and aswell as having our shop on site, we would like to invest in a hub area, where we could create a play section for children, where parents could have refreshments and the opportunity for to chat and to network. We would welcome anyone from the community and would like to have a central information point where we are able to provide advice and support where needed, for example, on housing, healthcare, support groups etc, all in support of the UK’s current national mental health awareness campaign, ‘it is good to talk’.
Thank you for your time.