The Sensory Place Award Icon Runner Up


The Sensory Place is a small charity for disabled children aged 0-18 and their families. We provide activities that are fun, accessible and sensory friendly. Many families have expressed how difficult it is to find things to do that are suitable for their child as they are either physically inaccessible, too loud or busy or that they have experienced judgement from other people who do not understand their situation. We want to give families the opportunity to come together to have fun, make memories and forget their worries for while. This is particularly important to us following the pandemic where many of our families had to shield and faced more isolation than usual. We also provide a network of support where parents can talk to other like-minded parents and share advice and offer one another a listening ear. We also recognise the importance of siblings who are often young carers that have extra caring responsibilities that their peers may not have. We bring these children together to offer support and to relieve the social isolation that often goes hand in hand with being a carer.

If we are successful we would use the money to continue to provide activities for families so they can try something new and so they can meet other families in a safe, supportive and friendly environment. We would like to run a range of activities including a sensory friendly party, craft sessions, cookery sessions and canoeing all of which will promote physical and mental well-being.

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