YMCA North Tyneside Award Icon Runner Up

North Tyneside

YMCA North Tyneside currently provides Supported Housing to 37 young people aged between 16-25 who have been or are at risk of homelessness. Our accommodation comprises of individual flats and bedsits .

Moving into supported accommodation can be daunting for young people who often have not lived away from home. Many have mental health barriers,have experienced bereavement,domestic violence and have multiple diagnoses of mental health. Many young people come from households where parents/carers abuse substances and their experiences of childhood have been traumatic.

We would like to apply for the Together Fund to take the young residents out of the accommodation unit . We would like to have a day out doing a fun activity like laser quest or similar. We have chosen Laser Quest as there are numerous benefits. Firstly teamwork, teaching individuals to be a team player and work together towards a common goal. Communication and sportsmanship are key and finally this activity will help to create memories .We feel that building a feeling of community amongst our service users will help them feel a sense of belonging and security. Working together as a team is great for mutual support and boosting moral. All these skills go towards our ultimate goal of the Young people being able to live independently and be a productive member of society.

We have a community allotment which our young people access regularly, we would like to reward them for their hard work in creating a calm and safe space.

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