Community Fund
The Venator Community Fund celebrates our values of teamwork and innovation, rewarding like-minded community organisations by funding projects across the North East.
Community Fund voting open
We’ve received over 100 applications from groups and organisations across the North East that inspire teamwork and innovation in their community.
The voting process is now open, so take a look at the list below and vote for up to three of your favourite projects. The top 40 applications with the most votes will each receive a grant to put towards their project.
The most-voted-for application will win a top prize of £1,000, followed by a second prize of £750, a third prize of £500 or one of 37 awards of £250.
The voting period will last for four weeks – closing on 7 July 2022 and all winners and runners up will continue to feature on this website.
If you’ve applied for a grant, you’re welcome to download the toolkit which will give you ideas to promote your own applications with family and friends to help you to increase your votes!